How To Create A QR-Code Using Python?

QR-CODE is nothing but a QUICK RESPONSE Code. It is a two – dimensional pictographic code used for its fast readability. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of any kind of data (e.g. binary, alphanumeric, etc.)

After Knowing a little bit of information about the QR-CODE, Let’s focus on Why QR-CODE is important?

As We Know that Most Of Shopping and E-Commerce Websites have the most popular way to use QR-CODE by providing a unique QR-code to their customers. Other than the online platforms, In our day-to-day life, we also use QR-CODE by just opening our scanner and scan the code to transfer the money.

But Question Remain the same, Why do we use QR- CODE rather than BARCODE or any other platform?

  1. BARCODE is nothing but it represents data in a visual and machine-readable format and a QR-CODE is a matrix of barcode in two-dimensional form.
  2. BARCODE hold the information in only horizontal format but the QR-CODE store the information in both horizontal as well as vertical format.
  3. The QR-CODE holds more information than the BARCODE.
  4. Most Important to Focus is that it More Secure in Format .

By observing these features such as security and privacy, we use a QR-CODE rather than the Barcode.

Let’s Focus On The Implementation

As We Know that We will be creating a QR-CODE using the PYTHON language, So, we will be using the JUPYTER NOTEBOOK. The reason behind using the JUPYTER Notebook is that the JUPYTER notebook provides us some inbuilt libraries that help us to create a QR-CODE.

Open JUPYTER Notebook -> New Project – > Python 3 ->Rename ->QR_CODE

Now We Can import Some Libraries in it-

import qrcode
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

After Importing the libraries, we can write a few lines of code.

In that, we can give a filename as your choice, in data you can insert a link where you want the users to go. The link can be your website, social media, form, etc.

After that, we can use image = qrcode.make(data) function that helps to make our QR-Code,

After that, you can save the image as function.

Let’s check the code as follows-

data = "" 
filename = "Blog.png"
image = qrcode.make(data)
plt.imshow(image , cmap = 'gray')

After successfully compiling the code, you can view your QR-Code image in your Jupyter Notebook. You can check it by your filename.

After Creating the QR-Code, you can scan it also. After scanning, you open your link automatically.

Few points to remember

  1. We use here a Jupyter Notebook. In Jupyter Notebook, it compiles the code line by line so remember it, after importing libraries you can first compile the code and then you write remaining code.
  2. We prefer JUPYTER Notebook. It is also used to create a QR-Code by using Pycharm or PyScripter .


Just by using a few lines of code, you can easily make a QR-CODE. It does not more knowledge of the programming language.


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