E-commerce Bot

In this blog series, we will create an E-commerce bot for one of the Chocolate Store “Naami Chocos“. This bot will have the following functionalities –

  1. Authentication
  2. Add to Cart
  3. Payment Integration
  4. FAQs using QnA Maker
  5. Connect bot to Facebook page

Following are the Modules in the series:

  1. Setup the Development Environment
  2. Welcome Card | Adaptive Cards
  3. Planning and Designing the Bot
  4. Run Power Automate flow from the Postman using API [Part of Authentication]
  5. Run Power Automate Flow using API in C# [Part of Authentication]
  6. Implementing the Email Authentication in Microsoft Bot Framework
  7. Working with Azure Cosmos DB Local Emulator to INSERT Product Details
  8. E-commerce Admin Chatbot [Backend of E-commerce Chatbot]
  9. Create a Welcome Menu using Adaptive Card

Note: This series is in progress. Follow JD Bots to get the latest updates.

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