How to Get Data from JSON Array in .NET C#?

Learn how to retrieve data from a JSON array in .NET C# using the Newtonsoft.Json library. Easily access and iterate through nested data.

To get data from a JSON array inside a JSON object in C#, you can use the Newtonsoft.Json library (also known as Json.NET) and the JObject and JArray classes.

Assuming you have a JSON object with a property “myArray” that contains an array of objects, you can retrieve the array like this:

string jsonString = "{\"myArray\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"John\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Jane\"}]}";

JObject jsonObj = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
JArray myArray = (JArray)jsonObj["myArray"];

You can then loop through the items in the array and access their properties like this:

foreach (JObject item in myArray)
    int id = (int)item["id"];
    string name = (string)item["name"];
    // do something with id and name

If the JSON array only contains primitive values (i.e., strings, numbers, booleans, etc.) and not nested objects, you can retrieve the values using the JArray class from the Newtonsoft.Json library in C#.

Assuming you have a JSON string that contains an array of numbers, you can retrieve the array like this:

string jsonString = "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]";

JArray jsonArray = JArray.Parse(jsonString);

You can then loop through the items in the array and access their values like this:

foreach (int number in jsonArray)
    // do something with the number

Alternatively, you can convert the JArray to a C# array or List using the ToArray() or ToList() methods like this:

int[] numbers = jsonArray.ToObject<int[]>();
List<int> numberList = jsonArray.ToObject<List<int>>();

Note that you will need to handle any errors or missing properties if they occur.

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